Our Fault

Author’s Note: I absolutely loved this idea!!

Warnings: Mentions of Breeding Kink, Fluff

“Boys, will you please sit down.” You said from the kitchen. The tawny toned boys yipped in the living room running circles around the coffee table you told Henry you didn’t need months ago. The house had enough furniture as it stood, Two couches and a sectional, not to mention Henry’s gaming recliner in the corner. The coffee table just gave your five children more things to fall over, and they did it so often.

“You heard your mom.” Henry picked up the youngest of the five, turning him upside and then placing him on his shoulders. “Take a seat, your grandma will be here, and then you can run around the table.”

The scowl on your face only made him laugh. “Henry!” you rolled your eyes and returned to cooking the bacon, the aroma of the meat hit your nose, and you felt the wave of nausea come over you. The grease popped in the pan and nearly hit you, but henry moved the pan from you and lifted your chin up to him.

“What’s up?” Henry’s hat blocked his eyes, so he pushed it up and placed it on the counter. It always intrigued you how he made casual look extravagrant. The navy blue shirt clung to his muscles perfectly, along with the jeans. You looked like death run over twice. The twists you’d done were frizzy, not to mention you’d been sleeping so much you couldn’t stop being tired.

“I’m fine.” You grumbled. “I’m always fine.”

Henry continued to cook the breakfast and eyed you suspiciously. “you have that appointment today.” He said. He placed out the five plates and started to fix them, one spoon of eggs, one spoon of oatmeal, and two strips of bacon. Like their father, the boys could eat.

“I know.” You moved from the kitchen, “Go eat little brigaide.”

And they all listened, the patter of their feet stampededing the kitchen made your heart leap. Henry controlled them so well, they always done as he said. “Look, sit here while I talk to your mum. Okay?”

“fine.” The oldest one said, displaying the only thing he had gotten from you, his attitude. “But don’t forget, we get to watch your new show.”

“Bennet.” He growled, and you hear the laughter erupt from there as he assumingly tickles the oldest kid into hysteria.

A few minutes later, you were dressed, your hair pulled in low bun, the maxi dress and jacket was comfortable enough. He watched you dress slowly and cleared his throat. “I think I know what’s wrong with you.”

“And what’s that?” You slid the bracelet onto your wrist and turned to him, awaiting his prediction.

“You’re pregnant.” He smiled. “I can always tell.”

“You can tell jackshit,” You rebutted.

“I know it.” He laughed and sat next to you on the bed. He placed his hand on your thigh while his thumb kneaded circles. “Y/N.”

“Henry, we have five!”

“We have money, a huge home, and a good family. One more won’t hurt us.”

“This will be all your fault if I am, you know that right?”

“Uhm, all of our fault.” He said with a cocked brow. “That’s what you mean, right?”

“No, yours!” You paused. “Ahh, baby, don’t you want to be pregnant again. Don’t you want to fill you up.” You imitated his deep voice.

“Yes, Henry. Yes, please, yes!” He said, mocking your moans.

You scoffed. “I don’t sound like that.”

“You sound like a cat in heat.” He shrugged. “And like I said, our fault.” Henry took the keys from the nightstand and reached his hand out to you. “Come on.”

  You waited in the room anxiously, your thumb tapped repeatedly on the bed, and Henry was all grins. He was right. He adored children, loved them more when they happened to share his DNA and spark. “Wipe that giddy smile off your face.” You narrowed your eyes at him.

“We get to see him.”


“Or her. But it appears we usually have boys.” He bit his fist and smiled. “A baby is a baby.”

“Shut up.”

The doctor rolled in the machine and smiled at you, her eyes were full of excitement. You couldn’t tell if it was from Henry or the fact that you were indeed pregnant again. She’d seen you for the last three children. All back to back and here you were again two years later. “It’s good to see the cAvill’s are still loyal patients.” She sat down and uncapped the bottle to the jelly. “How many have we had?”

“Five,” Henry said proudly.

Your face tinges with heat, and you again narrow your eyes at him. “Now, six.”

She shook her head. “I love it. Big families are happy families from my experience, I had eight brothers and sisters.” She clicked the machine to life and looked to you. “The jelly will be cold, okay, dear?”

You were used to it.  She applied the gel, and it started. The room was filled with a rapid heartbeat and then another. “What is that? Is something wrong with her?” Yeah, okay, you wanted a girl badly.

“No, they are just fine.”

“They?” You and Henry’s voices were succinct; only his was thrilled, and you were terrified.

“What do you mean they?” You propped yourself up on your elbows and glared at Henry. His smirk fell immediately. “Oh, god. Oh, my god.”

“You’ll do just fine.” The doctor said.

Henry grabbed your hand. His looked genuinely excited, his eyes were wide, and he smiled so broadly all of his teeth showed.  “Two more there is a fifty percent chance you might get that girl.”

Next Part


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